27 October 2009

Onyx Noir Horror Hunt

Starts : Oct 16th
Ends : Oct 31st

The store can be located HERE

Your looking for an axe

01 : Before you get "trapped" don some leather and blades.
02 : Pop your axe in your backpack and mimic a backpacker.
03 : I wonder if i can tea from the blood of this victim.
04 : Hey Doll I wonder if a member of staff is avaliable?
05 : She looks like she has no sole, so have a heart and take her axe from her.
06 : Don't be a melon and take a seat at the table.
07 : Mmm hot cookies are tastey, but not good, ill have to shape up.
08 : Don't get grim, who put that in there.
09 : Owch these tattoos are hot, so plant yourself in this store and take a look around
10 : Owch i dropped my axe, and made myself bleed, now I feel blue.
11: Ahh zombie attack.
12 : Don't underestimate good design, we all love mini's.
13 : If you had eyes like a hawk you could possibly fish this one out.
14 : Owch more hot tattoos, so wait till midnight when its cooler.