9 March 2010


Starts : March 1st
Ends : March 31st

You are looking for a prim gear/cog

001 : Time to have a rest, already!
002 : What a wonderfil flying contraption
003 : Look up then down and see the sun
004 : Yeee hawww ride that gear
005 : Where you hang the horseshoe **
006 : Follow the true path, It leads to truth and to your gifts. Turn the prayer wheel and ring the gong to find your way
007 : It's a good thing this gear doesn't easily rust! **
008 : Where the walls meet, he's been bad.
009 : I wonder if he is really made of jelly
010 : Time for some shut eye
011 : You want to go down already?
012 : Lots of wood here, may leave you green with envy
013 :GEAR yourself up, Look here and there; Find SPARKLY things That you might wear.
014 : Hit the in store hint giver for a clue
015 : Whos always wanted a beard!
016 : Perhaps it is enchanted!
017 : I wonder what I will find if I go through
018 : Look above to the skys
019 : Time to draw out some cash
020 : Checkl the in store hint giver for a clue
021 : Time to cool down
022 : (1) Lean against the WALL and thinl (2) Log in and see what you can find
023 : Check the hint giver in store
024 :Don't get wet finding this gear
025 : Feeling studious perhaps?
026 : Its always best to keep things cool
027 : Check hint giver at landing point for up to date hint
028 : Careful its hot!
029 : Are you missing something? I see a sign from on high!
030 : Are you a man? Look and check cause mEn like hunt items too
031 : Mind your head!
032 : This is not a pyramid scheme
033 : Nightime beckons
034 : Hit the in store hint giver for a clue
035 : Peekaboo! I'm right at home in here with the rest of the gears.
036 : Wonder how new this gear is
037 : Check the in store hint giver for a clue
038 : Check the in store hint giver for a clue
039 : Beware it looks like all the others.
040 : At home on the wall with the other gears. **
041 : This belt is from the bad lands of SL
042 : Hit the instore hint giver for a clue
043 : Don't forget to join in on the hunt
044 : Sit and stare skywards
045 : Puuuuur she has your prize

I am REALLY struggling to find anything on this hunt so from this point on I will be blogging SLURLS only, I have been at this for 3 days now. I will add the official hints I have for each post if I have them

046 : I seem to be near the staircase upstairs!
047 : Head on up
048 : This vehicle looks sad
049 : To locate the prize you have in mind... Look AROUND and AROUND, Then UP and BEHIND. Within the gear, a NEW prize you will find.
050 : We are a big fan of the SteamPunk Hunts
051 : People keep more than just junk in loft spaces
052 : I'm getting married in the morning
053 : The gear is near an object called with the name of a famous italian Theater
054 : Take a seat but don't crick your neck looking
055 : In the purple water lurks, a creature with a few pesky quirks. Steals your bait and jumps the line, behind the records, you will find.
056 : Take the TP to the second floor, Upstairs you will find it behind a screen, If you look close enough, The gear will be seen
057 : Hunting can be a very upLifting experience.
058 : Look in the upper floors!
059 : Don't hold your breath, wear one of these insted.
060 : You seek out a cog, but where can it be? Ensconced in the foliage of a tree? You glance aloft into branches above, then give up and warm your hands at the stove.
061 : Stay and make some Smores while you are there.
062 : Nice to have you drop by, even if you are flying through. My shop is outdoors and so is the gear if you look for the flash you will find it is near
063 : Take a defensive position
064 :Don't eat one of these, they may send you "trippy"
065 : These are designed to stop you falling down!
066 : Got Milk?
067 : Look where green grows.
068 : Careful they are fragile
069 : A very supportive gear indeed
070 : Your hunt will go alright, as long as you follow the light. Sending a million watts of luck to you, To flip your switch and see you through.
071 : Grim Bros. is keeping their gear warm.
072 : Bring bring
073 : Don't scold yourself
074 : when you enter our winter wonderland look for Destiny's Designs at the other end of the road.
075 :music was my first love.
076 : "Sunbeams come from here..."
077 : Has my underwear dried yet?
078 : A DJ spins a platform whirls dancers turn the gear is found.
079 : Confucius says: He who touches correct cog has advantage
080 : Look high and you will find your 'REWARDS'!
081 : Seek the Jabberwocky - Notice his shiny claws and the ring that adorns a finger closest to his maw.
082 : Where would you like to go too?
083 : "To find the gear, And not lose face, Stick your nose, In every place."
084 : They call me Mellow Yellow, but they do have a lovely scent
085 : Smoking is bad for your health.
086 : She is such a mess
087 ; This shouldn't take too much time. You won't be a grandfather by the time you find this one.
088 : Who wants to enter through the back door ;)
089 : Trivia Anyone?
090 : Wear this when that Light Bulb goes off in your head.
091 : This furniture looks pure
092 : Such a book worm
093 : 'The loftiest cedars I can eat, Yet neither paunch nor mouth have I, I storm whene'er you give me meat, Whene'er you give me drink I die.'
094 : Where green grows
095 : In plane sight but hidden behind.
096 ; You will need some traction to solve this puzzle
097 : "We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack, drink up me hearties, yo ho..."
098 ; Look for somewhere to hang your hat.
099 : Look to Were the Midnight Madness and cupcakes bring you
100 : It's where the pigeons roost.
101 : Tea will be served in the Gallery
102 : There is a rotating gear round an old oak tree
103 : " Where Mademoiselle write letters"
104 : Look beneath don't go over it.
105 : Seems to be beneath again
106 : You must be light on your feet to find me
107 : I hope you like my silly little rhyme, enclosed in it is a hint of mine...I hid it when I drank the wine!
108 : Some gears stay lowly all their lives, but some climb to dizzy heights.
109 : Such a bookworm
110 : I didn't realize the chair was clockwork
111 : "What to wear, what to wear?" she sighs, hanging on the door as she peers in at her clothes.
(And, no. It doesn't mean look in inventory, lol)
112 :You may find me spinning beneath the chinese ship in the sky
113 : (1) What store is this again (2) Naughty gear
114 : "I'm not green - but i should be"
115 ; Using the stairs you'll find a nice warm place to sit and have a drink CHEERS to a great and happy hunt ! There you will also get the next LM to the next location
116 : ...we re ready
118 : Follow the sounds of water to the place where qahwa is brewed and served to welcomed guests.
119 : Look High Look Low. You know how those engineers are always changing things.
(I will be moving the gear ever couple of days.)
120 : Treat your problems with more care than I have this gear.
121 : Follow the path to claim your prize
122 ; Walks around the store singing "Pearls are a girls best friend"...
123 : Chinese Dragon, As the sun came up, a ball of red, I followed my friend where ever he led.
He thought his fast horses would leave me behind, but I rode a dragon swift as the wind!
*Chinese Mother Goose Rhyme*
124 : I like narrow spaces.
125 : Welcome to Kashy's Kreations
126 : Winks sees all!
127 : Don't let your hunt escalate into despair.
128 : "Lets shine a little light on this subject."
129 : What can you see out here?
130 : Its big, can you see it yet?
** = I didn't personally find it so have added the official hint I was given