6 March 2010

Second Chance Riders

Starts : Now
Ends : End of March


Seems that many hats have been left all over the Second Chance Riders' sim.

Come and see how many of the 13 hats you can find. You can even grab a temp horse and do the hunt while riding.

Sounds like fun to me. Come on over!

Don't forget to look for the hats all over main level (including houses to rent and barn) and in rodeo level (tp at the landing point)

Suggestion? why not rezz a horse and hunt while riding ? :)

Here are the clues :)

1. Looks like someone forgot me when sat on the saddle and rode away .
2. On those lazy summer days a swing is really nice
3. Have a rest while you watch people dancing
4. You can also choose to rest outside
5. High, high up, almost touching the ceiling... how did I end up here?
6. Help ! I'm burning !
7. Fairies love sleeping here
8. I love horses and specially families of horses
9. Did you try cross country yet? It's so much fun.. but don't loose your hat when you're jumping
10. Help! I'm not a target !
11. I love jousting.
12. Let me stay here and check how well people did in pole bending
13. This hat is so afraid to fall in the water
14. I was left here alone... but I'm glad to be in such a beautiful maze